Friday, November 28, 2008

Of all days!!

OK, so for the people that know me, eating is probably one of my most favorite things to do. So obviously Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays because it is all about eating. Well this year I did not get to enjoy it as much as I would have liked, you see I had an eating injury the night before which hindered my enjoyment. What in the world? you are probably saying. Well, I was cooking Wednesday night, making Cuban food and I had fried some croquettes. When I took a bite of one it was not hot enough in the middle so I popped it in the microwave. When I took it out, I took a bite and the filling shot to the back of my esophagus and fell all the way down to my stomach scalding the whole way down. So now when I swallow it feels like a square cracker going down my esophagus. So can you imagine not being able to enjoy the wonderful Thanksgiving food knowing that every bite is going to be painful to swallow. Only me would this happen to.


Sassy Chatter said...

Speaking as "one of those people" I can't believe that it slowed you down too much :)

Anonymous said...

BUT your sister saved the day by bringing ice cream....right??? LOL =)